Friday, September 11, 2009



my anger and hatred for the FORMOR Maid of Honor... She just bailed on me.. good thing i knew she would so i asked my amazing friend Bonnie to be my Maid of Honor. :) At least now I have someone who is HAPPY to have that position. Really though? 9 days before the wedding she bails, because she had to buy a brown skirt and pink top????? REALLY!?!?!?!?!? Not to mention that because she couldn't go into the temple, she though it would be wrong if she was my MoH... She forgets... the Best man isn't LDS!!!!! REALLY!?!?!??!?!?!

fdghoisfd hgirh5yt098w5h4r9tygwhebyu3940uy55!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*&%^&$!!!!!!!!!!

i so hate people who want to do just the bare minimum to scrape by, and not even try to change how they conduct their life. It's a shame people decide to stay in a rutt for the rest of their lives when they are thrown every chance to get up and move on... I hate people..


  1. umm...holy lame sauce! That's ridiculous. I'm glad you have a good one now though! Better late than never.

  2. If it maid of honor bombed on me too, but her reason was more understanding. If you remember, she was involved in a car accident a month before our wedding. She has a relasp nad went back into the hospital the morning of our wedding and KB ha to take her place.

  3. Oh sista ... dont fret that is why you have bret ... ha ha ha I made a funny ..... Well she had a pretty stupid reason but hey you have nine days .... focus on that and not what happened !

  4. You could have used a sister. Although we would have been called "Matron of Honor". Your "friend" obviously wasn't really your friend.

    I know things have gotten better, since I am writing this comment the day after.

  5. Meeting you mom and dad this weekend was fun. They are some great people. I liked that they were comfortable enough to pick up the babies and start playing. I think Emma has made a new friend with your mom. She is great! Can't wait until this weekend to meet more of your family. Thanks for sharing them.
